About Us
Foundation Goal
To intervene financially at the start and
during the calendar school year, to facilitate access to quality education, and to
develop an environment that fosters educational opportunities to initiate growth in
these provinces.
What We Do:
The foundation identifies school age
children and adults seeking professional
certifications in two different cities, Petit
Goave and Gonaives, who would receive
financial assistance to begin and sustain
enrollment in the educational system each
year. Most schools in Haiti are private
institutions and require tuition and fees for
enrollment each year. Haitian families
struggle with enrolling and sustaining their
children in school, as well as facing difficulty in finding opportunities to advance in
their skills and professional development.
How You Can volunteer:
School Tuition Fundraiser
Involve friends, family, and the
community to raise awareness of
the organization’s efforts and raise
funds for the school year tuition.
Administrative Support
Assist with website updates, offer
your ideas and skills to initiate
projects, and recruit volunteers.
Online English Club
Engage with participant families
to encourage them to continue
developing skills.
Sponsor Connections
Initiate connections with other
organizations to identify potential
sponsors and partnerships.